A Cleaner and greener Hampstead
- Through the Hampstead newsletter, town website and festivals residents are educated in how they can live more environmentally friendly lifestyles.
- Introduced bylaws that require newly built homes to have a larger amount of green space on their properties.
- First town in Canada to ban wood burning stoves because they pollute the air.
- Second town in Canada to ban public smoking on streets, sidewalks, parks and in municipal buildings.
- Started migrating our fleet of vehicles to electric or hybrid.
- Installing public charging stations on Hampstead Rd. for electric vehicles.

- Planted over a thousand new trees in Hampstead to help reduce our carbon footprint.
- Responded to the Emerald Ash Borer crisis by planting hundreds of new trees of different species to increase biodiversity.
- Converted all our green lamp posts to smart LED lights saving energy and money.
- Turned the concrete medians on Fleet into planters with trees and beautiful flowers. Read more about our beautification efforts here.
- Introduced dog bag dispensers to encourage owners to pick up after their dogs (plus the ads on the dispensers generate income).
- Added dozens of garbage receptacles.

- Introduced once a week garbage collection to reduce waste and increase recycling. We have received over $300,000 from Quebec for reducing the amount of waste being picked up.
- Added covered garbage and recycling bins on wheels for automated collections, which are more efficient, keep the town cleaner and reduce problems due to urban wildlife.
- Residents can now increase their recycling containers to 360L, for free, and obtain smaller garbage bins. This encourages more recycling and less waste which earns the Town money.
- Mayor Steinberg has been a strong advocate for banning the transport of hazardous waste material through the rail yards adjacent to Hampstead.