To ensure that Hampstead keeps moving forward in the direction that I have led us the last sixteen years, we need the best possible people on council. It is crucial that honest, hard working and dedicated individuals with fresh ideas are elected.
The candidates that I am recommending are independent, running on their own platforms:

Jason Farber - Seat 4
Has lived his whole life in Hampstead and is very highly regarded by everyone who knows him. He is an accomplished CEO in manufacturing and industrial development. He is a father of three who is passionate, energetic and determined. Jason is a campaign leader, benefactor and partner of the MTC's Family Store, a store for low income families. He has also contributed to Chai Lifeline and Camp Simcha. Jason's fresh ideas and energy will be a welcome addition to the town council. Read more...

Naomi Huck-Ananou - Seat 2
Is a well respected lawyer with two masters degrees who teaches law & ethics at HEC. She is an expert in taxation and worked for KPMG. She and her husband, Steve Benhamon, are a young couple with roots in Hampstead. Naomi is co-president of the young philanthropic organization for Jewish General Hospital, and has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro to raise money for a Tanzanian orphanage that she has been involved with for over a decade. Naomi's outstanding background in law and taxation will be tremendous assets for town council. When combined with her exceptional enthusiasm and work ethic she is an ideal candidate. Read more...

Davin Sufer - Seat 1
Has over 15 years experience as an engineer and Chief Technology Officer. He has a proven track record as a strong leader capable of building and managing global teams. Davin is an official member of the Forbes Technology Council. He is the father of 3 young girls aged 4 to 12 and has lived in Hampstead, as both a renter and a homeowner, for most of his life. Davin is bright, resourceful and pragmatic. Thanks to his calm, thoughtful and data driven approach, he will be able to tackle even the most complex issues. Read more...

Harvey Shaffer - Seat 6
Safer with Shaffer is not just a slogan. Harvey is very involved with all our Public Security Officers and they are extremely motivated due to his constant support. We have by far the best Public Security on the island and our minimal crime is a testament to that. In his legal portfolio role he has reviewed our contracts with a fine-tooth comb, often catching errors. He has also saved the town over $100,000 by getting involved in claim settlements. Traffic and road safety is another area where he greatly improved safety and traffic calming. Harvey is one of my hardest working and diligent councillors. Read more...
It has come to my attention that Julie Brummer is distributing her brochure with a quote from me. That quote no longer represents my beliefs. I want to make it clear that I am endorsing Councillor Harvey Shaffer for Seat 6 and NOT Julie Brummer.