
Ancient Civilizations

Our modern world has amazing sights that even the most visionary thinkers could not imagine a mere century ago. In contrast, there still exist places with buildings and monuments that are hundreds of years old and demonstrate craftmanship and artistry that you could never recreate today.

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Stethoscope on top of the Canadian flag

How to fix Canada’s broken health care system

So the Federal government will give more of our tax dollars to the provinces for health care but not as much as the provinces wanted. What else is new? This has been happening at regular intervals for the last several decades and the result has been a steady erosion of health care in Canada.

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Lady Justice

How to fight Quebec’s Secularism law (Bill 21)

Why is Bill 21 so bad?
The law bans people in various positions of authority in the Quebec civil service from wearing religious symbols. It applies to judges, prosecutors, teachers, prison guards, police officers, government inspectors and others.

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Investment tips

Ever wonder why so many smart, successful business people and professionals get scammed by the likes of Bernie Madoff, Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling (Enron), Bernard Ebbers (WorldCom) and the most recent Sam Bankman-Fried (Crypto currency)? In this article I will cover several sound investment ideas which you may already know and yet, countless investors lose significant amounts of money because they do not follow one or more of them.

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Antarctica is truly a unique destination unlike any place else in the world.

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Time for the Notwithstanding Clause to go

In 1982, Canada patriated our Constitution from Britain and added the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the Charter). This was Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau’s crowning achievement. Regretfully, to get the buy-in of all provinces other than Quebec, he had to agree to Section 33 – the Notwithstanding Clause. The Premiers were worried that the courts would have too much power over the elected representatives without such a clause. The clause, if invoked, had to be renewed every five years and I am sure Trudeau never imagined that it would be used. After all, who in a democratic society would want to override basic human rights such as freedom of religion, freedom of expression, freedom from discrimination and so on.

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