What’s so bad about Donald Trump?
The US Presidential election is about Donald Trump. Judging by his massive rallies where people arrive many hours in advance, his fans love him. Democrats will be voting for Kamala Harris, not because they love her but because they hate Trump. After all, when Harris ran in the Democratic primaries four years ago, she had to drop out very early because she had so little support. Has she suddenly matured into a magnificent candidate? Hardly! She has had zero achievements as Biden’s VP; she breaks out into a nervous cackle when she is asked questions and when she does try to explain anything all that comes out is a word salad completely devoid of any meaning. Democrats can’t be voting for her but rather against Trump. That is also what the polls show. So, what exactly is so bad about Trump.
He is a womanizer
He has been accused of having sex with a porn star. Wasn’t he found guilty of that? Well actually, no. He was found guilty of paying Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about her allegations that he denies. Well, actually, not even that. The alleged crime was that he paid her in order to influence the outcome of the election but not a shred of evidence as to his motive was produced. His trial was a kangaroo court proceeding and the verdict will undoubtedly be overturned on appeal but that will be after the election. Besides what kind of double standard do the Democrats have. Bill Clinton did have oral sex with Monica Lewinsky in the White House. Isn’t actual sex worse than unproven allegations by a porn star?
He will be a dictator
Well, he was President for four years and did nothing to end democracy. Au contraire, it is the Biden administration that has weaponized the FBI and judiciary in order to take down their political opponent.
He is a braggard
Certainly, he is confident, self-assured and has a clear vision just like all great leaders including Barrack Obama. The difference is that Trump’s language is cruder than most other politicians. Is he a role model for kids. Absolutely not. However, is that how we want to choose our leaders? Aren’t policies more important than demeanor? Who leads the US is important for the US and the world and policies should matter far more than personality.
Trump’s policies
The Wall and crime
He wants to complete the wall to keep illegal immigrants out. The Democrats stopped the work and allowed millions of illegals to enter the US with no verifiable documentation. Not surprisingly, many of the illegals are criminals including terrorists, rapists, murderers, drug dealers and more. Crime is way up in areas with many of the migrants. In New York City, police say 75% of the crime is committed by illegal aliens. Trump will deport any illegals who commit a crime. The Democrats in many places release those charged with no bail.
The migrants have led to more homeless people on the streets, overcrowded hospitals, increased inflation and higher unemployment in addition to increased crime. Trump is not opposed to immigration as long as it is legal and the US decides who to accept. Is that unreasonable?
Wars and deterrence
It was Trump as President who demanded that NATO members meet their commitment to spend 2% of their GDP on defense, under the threat of the US not defending those who did not. Most countries have now met the target. Canada is the worst scofflaw. Under Trump not one new war was started because the US was feared. Under Biden, Russia invaded Ukraine and the Gaza Hamas terrorists massacred 1,200 innocent civilians on Oct. 7. The current situation in the Mideast is entirely due to the weak Biden administration that has paid billions to Iran, the sponsor of all the terrorist groups in the region. Biden also made a new nuclear deal with Iran in which all sanctions were dropped and Iran promised not to build nuclear weapons. Of course, Iran has not allowed inspectors and is now weeks away from a first nuclear weapon. Trump will work with Israel and together they will destroy the nuclear threat.
The Democrats believe in the Green New Deal in which they have dramatically stopped new energy from coming on stream so that they have to buy dirty oil from Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. This harms the economy, leads to higher gas prices and more unemployment.
The democrats claim that under Trump abortion will be banned. However, Trump has said that he respects the Supreme Court ruling that abortion is a state by state matter. So, this should not be an issue in a federal election. Each state can decide what works best in that state.
Freedom of expression
Trump is against the progressive woke nonsense and the censorship of those who disagree with the new pronouns, children having the right to transition without getting parental consent, sex education with an undue emphasis on uncommon gender types taught in elementary school and so on.
America first
Trump is for more jobs for Americans and tariffs on goods produced by countries that steal US technology and use child labor.
Trump’s polices are not new
Unlike Harris who is distancing herself from everything she supported for the past four years, Trump is consistent and will resume where he left off.
Most readers of my articles are not American and cannot vote. Still, you can forward/share this article with those you know in the States. Maybe it will convince a few to see what should be obvious.
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I fully agree with you
Thanks Bill,
I wish you guys could vote too
I have lost total respect for you.
You are blaming Biden for Putin invading Ukraine?
Give me a break.
Don’t send me any more of your trash.
Dear Hampstead resident,
Dear Hampstead Resident:
Bill did not blame Biden for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. He did say that the world has a healthy fear of Trump. Whether it’s because he’s completely unpredictable, or because he says it like it is without regard for the consequences, the world was a much safer place when he was president. Nobody knew what he was capable of and that kept the bad guys at bay.
Biden pandered like a lapdog to Iran as did Obama who have them an airplane full of money before he left office.
Those two are the big problem. Not Trump. Time to clean your glasses and see the forest for the trees. In other words, move your distaste of Trump aside and look at the big picture.
Bold and true. Besides the obvious mistake of supporting those who support our enemies
To Hampstead Resident, you can easily unsubscribe. Just use the link. As for blaming Biden for Ukraine, evil leaders like Putin are emboldened by weakness and Biden is the weakest US leader I can recall. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was a disgrace costing many lives and leaving behind billions in military equipment. His warnings to Iran and its proxies is a joke, “Don’t.” Then after hundreds of strikes against US forces, his response is a few pinprick strikes doing almost no damage. Perhaps it is senility or worse but Kamala backed all of Biden’s policies.
Sorry Bill, but I disagree with you totally, actually disappointed
With you for the first time.
I write what I think but I don’t expect everyone to agree with everything I write. I just hope to get some people to reconsider their views.
I totally agree. Trump will win if the Democrats will just calm down. Kamela is a loser.
Dad, I agree with everything But I would have added a section on Israel and Jews since your audience is predominantly Jewish. Here Trump excels the most. Not only will he allow Israel to defend itself through this war, he will also bring back the rule of law and shut down protests that are clearly engaging in criminality and vehement jew hatred. With a stronger immigration policy, he will prosecute or deport those materially supporting terrorism.
Sorry Bill..but I totally disagree. This is not a matter of Republican vs Democratic Party ideals. Trump is in it for himself and unfit for the role of US President..period. He obsesses about putting down others in place of policy because of his overwhelming narcissism. He would have handed over Ukraine to Putin in a flash for a couple of Casinos and cash bundles. He and Netanyahu are both corrupt and desperately trying to avoid jail time by staying in power. They do not represent their citizens. Trump is a thoroughly dangerous, unstable and unpredictable criminal psychopath. He is the first president ever to be twice impeached and charged with 34 felony counts! Not the desirable CV for a President. He incited the incredulous Jan 6th attempted coup that disgraced America and reduced its status to that of a backwards third world country. Trump is a wanna be dictator and a threat to democracy. He must not get in for the sake of America and the world.
Tara, thanks for the Jewish angle of which I am fully aware. However, most voters are not Jewish and do not realize that after the Jews the terrorists are coming for westerners and , in fact, there have been numerous attacks already.
Joyce, it is amazing how many people feel so strongly about Trump and how diametrically opposed the two sides are. Top lawyers like Alan Dershowitz, a life long Democrat say that the charges against Trump will be overturned on appeal. The charges are a result of the Democrats weaponizing the judiciary.
It is also false that Trump incited the Jan. 6 riot and he has not been found guilty of that and won’t be.
Anyway the Americans will decide who they want and then we will see if they made the right choice.
The way you word the article
Bravo !!
I am not Jewish but Trump will help Israel much more than Biden
Who cares if he brags
Not important
Question is
Is there would be a war here in our country
Who would you like to be behind to protect you
Fear which represents Trump
Or Kamala who finds everything funny
Be true to yourself
I’ve noticed in the comments here and elsewhere that Kamala supporters make ad hominem attacks or regurgitate talking points by the democrats about Trump. This indicates that as Gad Saad expertly laid out in a Newsweek article yesterday that this is emotional thinking not cognitive. Presidents should be decided by policy not personality and one can’t say anything good about Kamala’s policy because there is nothing good to say. Under the last 4 years the economy has tanked, illegal immigration has exploded into the millions, wars have broken out and the bad guys have gotten emboldened. antisemitism has increased by 400%. Kamala won’t give interviews and is only doing one debate, because she literally changed every position. Their whole campaign has been about “vibes” and “joy”. She is really for open borders and banning fracking and further destroying the economy while cozying up to Iran. Walz is even worse, if that’s even possible. If you can outline why she should be president without referring to her identity (black/indian/woman) or your hatred of Trump, you are merely being manipulated through your amygdala, your primitive brain. Don’t be a useful idiot, use your ability to think with your frontal cortex or we will all be living in an islamic caliphate or communist state.
So true what you are saying
Well We’ll explained
So deplorable to be advocating for leaders who thrive on chaos and dysfunction. Your legacy has been tarnished by this ridiculous post.